Another stunning day out with the Veuve Clicquot Masters Polo

by Karisa

This past Saturday I was lucky enough to attend the 4th edition of the Veuve Clicquot Masters Polo which always takes place at the exquisite Val de Vie Estate over in Paarl.

This really is the one event I look forward to every year…

It’s elegance all the way with flowing French champers (a la Veuve), tasty food, beautiful people, beautiful fashion and just generally a fantastic day out.

This year (as with previous years) they went all out to create the perfect setting for a top class day of polo fabulousness, and as guests we felt spoilt all the way.

But before we get down to the “who’s who” in attendance and all that good stuff, let me first show you around:

How do you like my ride?

Amazing right?  And of course I have to mention the beautiful polo ponies as well:

Doing their thing…

Now on the fashion side of things, I really loved all the bold colours and prints, the touches of pretty lace and the overall picture of style that both the ladies & gents put out.  People on the scene included the following gorgeous folks:

Actress Carishma Basday with Sue Duminy (wife of cricketer JP Duminy)

Fashion Blogger Clouds Drummond getting a kiss from designer Jacques Lagrange, the man behind her look for the day.

Grazia SA’s Best dressed couple winners –’s Elrico Bellingan with his lovely muse Ritza

Actress Natalie Becker.  Really loved that dress…

From left to right:  Anina Malherbe (Founder & MD at Vivid Luxury), TV/Radio personality Jen su, Top Billing’s Jeannie D (also really loved her green number) and Peta Eggieth-Symes from fashion label Pallu

Former Miss SA & business woman, Cindy Nell, with her hubby Clive Roberts

Decleor ambassador, Thandie Kupe (in a Hendrik Vermeulen dress) with SABC national sales manager Omesh Author

My blogger ladies here with Grant Davison (Account Director at Vivid Luxury)

SA’s very own Bruno Mars, Jimmy Nevis (love his music) photographed here with his manager/publicist Lauren-Ashleigh Parks and journo Clayton Morar.  [stole this pic from the Vivid Luxury FB page]

Then some fashion heavyweights too:

Bestie Leigh with designer Craig Jacobs

From left to right fashion industry legend Dion Chang, Christiaan Gabriel du Toit & Malcolm Kluk from KlukCGDT and designer David Tlale (also stole this one from the Vivid Luxury FB page)

The day’s activities also included a fashion show by fashion house D’Oré:

Thanks to Vivid Luxury for these great photos…

And us almost getting our lips burnt off thanks to the lovely Miss Vo who tried to convince us that her limp plumping gloss was the bus-i-nezz…

After telling us that we’d only be feeling a very slight tingling sensation, we were all squealing “You wear this every day?! It burns, it burns!”  She must be superhuman… we all agreed… slight tingling sensation my @ss…

Most importantly though, this was an incredible day out, just having fun, enjoying the good life and spending time with the slightly crazy, but always fun people who I’m blessed to call my friends. ♥

I have to say a BIG thank you to the team at Vivid Luxury who hosted this fabulous event.  High fives all round and a big cheers to doing this all again next year.  



Clouds Drummond Mar 4, 2014 - 1:14 pm

Lurve! your ride;-)

Karisa Mar 4, 2014 - 9:41 pm

Had to trade in the Mini at some point of course… 😉 x

Gugu_A1 Mar 4, 2014 - 7:30 pm

So elegant, posh vibez. That royal was made for you and love the hint of gold.

Karisa Mar 4, 2014 - 9:42 pm

Ah thank you so much! It was a very last minute dress save by a friend. But I felt comfortable in it which was the main goal. xxx

Gugu_A1 Mar 4, 2014 - 11:42 pm

Bless that friend.


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