As much as day 3 brought some serious festival fatigue… the final day of the festival brought that gotta-cram-in-all-we-can feeling. I guess it was because it was all coming to an end and we wanted to go out with a bang.
The lineup was pretty insane, so we were moving from stage to stage quite a lot to catch all the bands we had marked off on our Rock Werchter apps (we’re fancy like that). These were my standouts – with some videos included of some of their most known songs. I bet you that you might not click on the name alone, but after you listen to the clip you’ll be all like “aaah, of course man, those guys”:
- Bastille from The Netherlands – this song’s one of those “happy songs” that get you going in the morning:
- Australian born, Mike Rosenberg aka Passenger. You should recognise this one from the radio – such a beautiful love lost kinda song:
- Asaf Avidan, or you might know them by their hit “One day baby, we’ll be old. And think of all the stories that we could have told…” This guy’s got such an unusually beautiful voice:
- Depeche Mode. Yeah, this might be a very odd 80s throwback, but being number 5 out of 6 children, I was exposed to quite a lot of music you wouldn’t expect. I freakin’ love a lot of Depeche Mode’s 80s hits, including these two:
- Dubstep act, Modestep. If you’re going what step?? This should clear it up – it’s not for the fainthearted, that’s for sure:
Just as a side mention – we also got to see Thirty seconds to Mars – great live act, but not one of my personal favourite bands. The Jared Leto fans were certainly very happy though.
The festival wrapped up with Brittish band The Editors, followed by some fireworks and all that good stuff. I sadly had to skip out just before that because I was rotten with some horrible flu bug and not feeling so great…
But all ‘n all I had an absolutely amazing time at Rock Werchter and would highly recommend it to all music lovers. This is Rocking the Daisies on freakin’ steroids people. The lineup is incredible and the organisation is impeccable. From the free train travel & bus shuttles, to the food, drinks & camping. Everything ran so smoothly.
My only complaint – and this really isn’t anything to do with the organisation of the festival – is the damn litter that one has to contend with in the festival area. The festival area gets cleaned over night, every single day, and there are people cleaning during the day as well plus bins everywhere, but still, this is what things start looking like around 5pm every day:
Those poor cleaning people had no hope in hell trying to keep up with thousands of people just deciding to leave their shit everywhere they pleased… it’s a pity, because you really don’t want to be battling rubbish when trying to find a little piece on the grass just to sit down. Seems to be a general festival problem around the world though. It’s like people just totally forget their common sense & manners at these things. But ja… I held onto my things and stuck to the bins at all times, even though it felt like it didn’t really make a difference at that point. But my conscience was at least clean. If my mother was there, she’d be handing out bloody hidings for sure. 😉
Right, that was my bitching moment done. As for the rest, like I said, such an a-ma-zing time! Keep an eye out on the Rock Werchter website if you’re interested in checking it out next year. My full festival ticket worked out to about R2800 plus camping which was another R200 odd. So it’s a bit pricey, but definitely worth it.
Cheers Belgium!