To wrap up the Ibiza experience – there’s one last party, but you won’t believe where…

by Karisa

The airport!!!  Yup, they just can’t let you fly out without a proper sendoff.  It’s the brainchild of David Guetta and his wife, Cathy, and a fun idea I guess…


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It’s actually more of a chill lounge than “club” per se, but the good thing is that entry is free.  I know, I know… you must be screaming “what??”, but don’t you worry, once inside, it’s the same scary pricing that you would have become accustomed to during your time on this party island.  The menu has a selection of drinks and snacks, all quite pricey for what you’re getting and they seem to expect that for that free entry, you’ll be ordering something.  The biggest drawcard for me personally was the free Wifi.

Free wifi, as everyone knows, is pretty much the most important thing in your life when you can’t switch your regular data services on (because Vodacom will then bankrupt me with their ridiculous data roaming charges).  So D and I figured we’ll look at the menu for a re-e-e-ally long time, while surfing the interwebs, then duck of saying “oh no, we lost track of time, our flight’s boarding and we totally still wanted to order a drink…” 😉  We’re sneaky like that.

Now onto more important matters.  Where was our flight headed?  Barcelona baby!  The city I was most excited about on this trip.  And I’ve got sooooo much cool stuff to share with you guys.  So please keep checking back in.


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