For those who love a good skrik, the SA Horrorfest will be right up your alley…
Kicking off this evening with a screening of A nightmare on Elm Street (yup the 1984 Wes Craven classic which scared the living daylights outta me back in the day – I still can’t look at a striped jersey in the same way), the festival includes a selection of movies, short films, a literary evening, a night market, dress-up, special international guests, a free horror masterclass, and a final after-party taking place at Mercury Live.
Most of the action takes place at the Labia Theatre in town, and you can check out the full schedule over here.
Tickets are available via Quicket over here. There’s also registration requirements for the free masterclass and a few of the other events. But you’ll find all the need-to-knows at
I think it’s a great way to celebrate Halloween and all things spooky and creepy. I freakin’ love horrors, even though I inevitably close my eyes throughout most of the movie while shouting: “What’s happening now? What’s happening now???” 😉