OK so the Cape Town Sixes is of course happening this weekend on the 19th and 20th of March AND I had 5 double sets of Full Weekend Festival Passes (including the Sunday night concert with Mango Groove, Jimmy Nevis, The Kiffness and Rory Elliot) valued at R350 each to give away.
If you missed it… you missed out… But for those who did enter, your name may just be below, so keep reading…
The lucky winners of those weekend passes are:
- Bryce Goate (aka @Bguy101 on Twitter)
- Aléta (who entered by leaving a comment on my giveaway post)
- Jonathan Bantam (aka @JBantam21 on Twitter)
- Marc Krige (aka @marc_krige on Twitter)
- Carmen Dickenson (aka @carmendickenson on Twitter)
Congratulations guys! Aléta – I have your email address, so will be in contact. For the rest, please email me with your contact details at editor@capetownmylove.com – ASAP please so we can finalise your tickets before COB tomorrow.